R.I.P. Sassy

This is my last post for Raising Sassy.

Despite all my efforts to help calm her down, Sassy became more aggressive through the last few months. I have several piano students who come into my home every week, and I worried about her aggressiveness with them.

Today I took her to the vet for her routine shots. I sedated her before I took her, and she seemed calmer…until we went into the room. I made the mistake of taking her out of the carrier, thinking that if she could walk around the room she might not be so wild. BIG mistake!

Sassy ripped both of my arms to pieces today. My left hand and wrist have bite marks and claw marks that will leave scars. My right forearm has claw marks and bite marks completely encircling the arm. My left inside forearm has serious puncture wounds that have raised bruises around them.

I am awaiting a prescription for antibiotics, as I learned that a year ago Sassy wounded the vet and he developed a severe infection from the wounds. Hopefully my wounds will heal without infection or illness.

I had to make the most painful decision any pet owner can make: I had to put down my sweet, vicious Sassy. One moment she would be licking my fingers and head-bumping my hand for pets, and the next moment she would attack. I don’t know why she became so aggressive; I just know that I couldn’t expose my students to the danger that Sassy was beginning to be.

My heart aches so much. In spite of her ‘mean’ episodes, I do/did love that cat.

R.I.P. my sweet Sassy. I’ll see you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, where all fear/sorrow/meanness won’t exist. I love you.

Miss Anita

Miss Anita is a cat lover of the first order. Right now, her cat at home is a cute little rescue Tortie named Sassy. And Sassy she is. Miss Anita rescued her when she was about 8 weeks old but now the vet says that she was probably even younger than 8 weeks.

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